
Review: The Gathering - Anne Enright

'The Gathering' is the book I am reading for

- my life long challenge of reading all the Man Booker Award winners.
- for Orbis Terrarum Challenge [ she is from Ireland].

I am not completely done with the book, but still thought about pening down my thought so far. Being completely new to this style of writing, I didn't like it much at thebeginning, I felt as if, there was nothing much except Veronica's thinking, that was being talked about. It sounded all confused, not- clear at all. She contadicted her own-self. And lot such negatives. Her big-fat Irish family, was not at all likable.

I liked Ada and her story.

Veronica is struck with the thoughts of her alcholic sibling Liam who has drowned himself. Veronica is the closest to Liam, and she also in some ways hates Liam. This is the story, of Veronica trying to figure out if there was something more than the drink, something in their past that killed Liam.

Following the disorganized thoughts of is osmetimes frustrating and Veronica's feels it too. There is no better way to portray the chaos of emotions evoked by both tragedy and monotony than to mirror that chaos with stream of consciousness-style writing. Anne Enright does a good- job.

But to be really truthful, none of the characters in her Booker-prize winning novel are likable. But certain things are there that I make identify with them.

Check out my books on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/profile/Veens


gypsy said...


Now that makes it a curious read, inne?

Th characters aren't likable but you still identify with them ...

Anonymous said...

Neha, very much!

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

That does sound interesting, great review! You are doing great with the OT challenge!Looking good!

ps it is so cool that you put the kill word verification banner up!!! yay, let's kill it!

Anonymous said...

Bethany, I am glad you liked it!

I am with you for that revolution :) Lets make it happen!

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